Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
1,427 lines
page 60,132
title "TRACE - Interrupt Tracer"
subttl Introduction
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code,ds:code
public selvideo,selprint,print,print_hex,print_word,print_wordb
public crlf,print_line,print_seg,print_edit,print_dec,table_print
public feed,key,zap_hits,prt_sc
extrn prt_base:word,trace_table:byte,trace_curr:word,ict_index:word
public pick_ict,do_traces,do_enable,do_fcb,dump_buf,bin_to_bit
public dump_rec,dump_before,dump_after,dump_flags,dump_fcb
public dump_asciiz,ict_dump,disp_active
extrn rec_sizes:word,interp:near
extrn old_int_5:dword
include b:trace1e.aic
prt_flag db 0 ;flag: printer (1) or Screen (2)
subttl Support routines - Printer & Screen I/O
; Select video for subsequent output
selvmsg db cr,lf,"TRACE output routed to CRT screen",cr,lf,"$"
selvideo proc near
mov prt_flag,0
push dx
mov dx,offset selvmsg
call print_line
pop dx
selvideo endp
; Select printer for subsequent output
selpmsg db cr,lf,"TRACE output routed to printer",cr,lf,"$"
selpnomsg db cr,lf,"Printer not found",cr,lf,"$"
selprint proc near
push ax
mov ax,prt_base ;do we have a printer?
or al,ah
jz selprint_no_printer
push dx
mov dx,offset selpmsg
call print_line
pop dx
mov prt_flag,al ;al is non-zero if we do
jmp selprint_exit
push dx
mov dx,offset selpnomsg
call print_line
pop dx
pop ax
selprint endp
; Output AL to printer or screen, depending on prt_flag.
print proc near
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
; ----- See if it should go to printer
test prt_flag,0ffh ;send it to printer?
jnz print1 ;yes
; Send char to video via INT 010H
mov bl,1
mov ah,14 ;"Write TTY" func
int 010h
clc ;show no I/O error
jmp short print9
;----- Send it to printer
mov dx,prt_base ;get printer base I/O address
inc dx ;up to status port
mov ah,al ;save char in ah
xor cx,cx ;init timeout ticker
in al,dx ;get status
test al,080h ;is printer busy?
jnz print5 ;no, proceed to send char
; We're not immediately ready. Some printers require more of a wait than
; the simple 64K loop found in CX. So here's a time waster that you may
; want to tailor to your printer.
mov al,8 ;greatly extend timeout value
dec al
jnz print3
loop print2 ;wait for whole timeout
stc ;set carry for timeout
jmp short print9 ;and exit
dec dx ;down to data reg
mov al,ah ;recover char to be sent
out dx,al ;put it on data lines
inc dx ;up to control port
inc dx
mov al,0dh ;set strobe low
out dx,al
mov al,0ch ;set strobe high again
out dx,al
clc ;show no error
; At this point, CARRY is SET if we were going to the printer and had an
; I/O error.
jnc print10 ;no error
call selvideo ;error, so switch to video
pop ax ;recover AL
push ax
jmp print0 ;go send it to video
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
print endp
; Output binary AL as 2 hex digits
print_hex proc near
push bx
push ax
mov bl,al ;isolate HO nibble
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
shr bl,1
and bx,0fh
mov al,hextab[bx] ;xlit to hex char
call print ;print 1st char
pop ax
push ax
mov bl,al ;isolate LO nibble
and bx,0fh
mov al,hextab[bx] ;xlit to hex char
call print ;print 2nd char
pop ax
pop bx
print_hex endp
hextab db '0123456789ABCDEF'
; Output binary word AX as 4 hex digits
print_word proc near
xchg ah,al ;get HO half to AL
call print_hex ;print 1st 2 chars
xchg ah,al ;get LO half back to AL
call print_hex ;print 2nd 2 chars
print_word endp
; Output binary word AX as 4 hex digits, plus a blank
print_wordb proc near
push ax
call print_word
mov al,' '
call print
pop ax
print_wordb endp
; Print CRLF.
crlf proc near
push ax
mov al,0dh
call print
mov al,0ah
call print
pop ax
crlf endp
; Print string at DS:DX, up to "$" character.
print_line proc near
push si
push ax
cld ;forward!
mov si,dx ;DS:SI = string
lodsb ;get next byte to print
cmp al,'$' ;terminating char?
jz print_line9 ;yes, exit
call print ;print this char
jmp print_line2 ;continue till "$"
pop ax
pop si
print_line endp
; Print DX (HO), AX (LO) as xxxx:xxxx.
print_seg proc near
push ax
mov ax,dx ;get HO word first
call print_word
mov al,':' ;show seperator too
call print
pop ax ;recover LO word
call print_word
print_seg endp
; Print a line at [DX], edited.
; Line may contain Edit_xxxx escape characters, as defined above.
print_edit proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov si,dx ;use DS:SI to read line
cld ;forward!!!
lodsb ;get next byte of line
cmp al,Edit_Byte ;binary byte to expand?
jnz print_edit3 ;no
lodsb ;yes, get 8-bit value
call print_hex ;print it as hex
mov al,'H' ;tack "H" for HEX after it
call print
jmp print_edit2 ;go get next char
cmp al,Edit_Word ;16-bit binary to expand?
jnz print_edit4 ;no
lodsw ;yes, get 16-bit word
call print_word ;display as hex
jmp print_edit2b ;follow with 'H' and continue
cmp al,Edit_Call ;call another routine?
jnz print_edit5 ;no
lodsb ;yes, get AH argument
mov bh,al ;save for a nano...
lodsw ;get DX argument
mov dx,ax
lodsw ;get address to call
mov cx,ax
mov ah,bh ;recover AH argument to use
push si ;save our precious SI
call cx ;call the routine
pop si
jmp print_edit2 ;go get next char
cmp al,Edit_Dec8 ;8-bit decimal value?
jnz print_edit6 ;no
lodsb ;yes, get 8-bit byte
xor ah,ah ;clear HO byte
call print_dec ;print AX as decimal
jmp print_edit2 ;go get next input char
cmp al,Edit_Dec16 ;16-bit decimal value?
jnz print_edit7 ;no
lodsw ;yes, get 16-bit byte
jmp print_edit5b ;print it and go get next char
cmp al,Edit_End ;end of input string?
jnz print_edit2c ;no, assume ASCII char and print it
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
print_edit endp
; Print AX in decimal, suppressing leading zeroes
print_dec proc near
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov cx,10 ;divisor
xor dx,dx
div cx ;DL=units, AX = answer
mov bh,dl ;save units
xor dx,dx
div cx ;DL=tens, AX = answer
mov bl,dl ;get tens
or bx,03030h ;make into 2 ASCII digits
mov word ptr dec_buf+3,bx
div cl ;AH=hunds, AL = answer
mov bh,ah ;save hundreds
xor ah,ah
div cl ;AH=thous, AL = ten_thousands
mov bl,ah ;get thous
or bx,03030h ;make into 2 ASCII digits
mov word ptr dec_buf+1,bx
or al,030h ;make ten-thousands into ASCII digit
mov byte ptr dec_buf,al
; Now edit out leading zeroes by advancing BX to 1st non-zero
mov bx,offset dec_buf
mov cx,4 ;max # to suppress
cmp byte ptr [bx],'0'
jnz print_dec5 ;found non-zero, so exit
inc bx ;up to next digit
loop print_dec2
; All set. Print from [BX] on...
mov dx,bx
call print_line
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
print_dec endp
dec_buf db "99999$"
; Print one string from a table of possible strings.
; On entry: AH holds selector
; DX holds table address
; Each table entry is as follows:
; db <selector>,"string",<term>
; where:
; <selector> is 8-bit byte that is compared with AH. If it
; matches, then this string is printed.
; "string" is the string to be printed
; <term> is the terminating character, as follows:
; 00H : end of this string
; 80H : end of this string, and end of table too
; If no <selector> matches AH, then "????" is printed.
table_print proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov si,dx ;use DS:SI to read table
cld ;forward!!!
lodsb ;get next selector
cmp al,ah ;does it match AH?
jnz table_print5 ;no, skip to next one
; We have found string to print. Output it until a terminator is found.
lodsb ;get byte of string
test al,07fh ;terminator?
jz table_print9 ;yes, exit
call print ;no, print this char
jmp table_print3
; Not this selector. Skip over string till terminator, then go peek
; at next selector.
lodsb ;get byte of string
test al,07fh ;terminator?
jnz table_print5 ;no, keep skipping
; We have terminator at end of skipped string. It may be end of whole table...
cmp al,080h ;end of table?
jnz table_print2 ;no, go check next selector
mov dx,offset huh ;yes, print "????" message cause match not found
call print_line
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
table_print endp
huh db "????$"
; Issue extra linefeeds if we're going to the printer. This
; moves the paper up enough to be read.
; This should be called before any input, and whenever output is
; generally finished.
feed proc near
push ax
push cx
test prt_flag,0ffh ;are we going to the printer?
jz feed9 ;no, just exit
mov cx,num_feeds ;# linefeeds to do
jcxz feed9 ;none, so exit
call crlf
loop feed2
pop cx
pop ax
feed endp
subttl Menu Handling
; Get uppercase keyboard char to AL. AH is clobbered.
key proc near
mov ah,0 ;use ROM BIOS to read keyboard
int 016h
cmp al,'a' ;lowercase char?
jb key9 ;no
cmp al,'z'
ja key9 ;likewise no
and al,0dfh ;yes, convert to uppercase
key endp
; Reset all ICT hits to zero, and restart trace buffer
zapmsg db cr,lf,"Counters zeroed",cr,lf,"$"
zap_hits proc near
push si
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov cx,number_icts ;Number of ICT's
xor si,si ;start with # 0
cli ;no interrupts!
mov bx,ict_index[si] ;[BX] --> ICT
mov [bx].ICT_hits,0
add si,2 ;up to next ICT
loop zap_hits2 ;till we've done all of them
mov trace_curr,offset trace_table
sti ;interrupts OK now
push dx
mov dx,offset zapmsg
call print_line
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop si
zap_hits endp
; Pick ICT's with which to do something.
; This is called to select ICT for various operations.
; On entry, DX holds address of question (no CRLF's) to be asked.
; Returns: CARRY SET if user selected ABORT to cancel the caller's operation
; CARRY CLEAR if AL has been set to 8-bit pattern, with each
; bit from 0 to 7 representing an ICT (0-7) that was selected.
pick_ict proc near
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov byte ptr pick_map,0 ;init to nobody selected
; Put up our selection menu
call crlf
pop dx ;display caller's question
push dx
call print_line
mov dx,offset pick_menu ;put up our menu
call print_line
; Fill in choices already made, as if he had typed them
mov cx,number_icts ;# ICT's
mov ah,byte ptr pick_map ;AH has bitmap
mov al,'0' ;AL holds ASCII '0' - '7'
test ah,1 ;Is this ICT selected?
jz pick_ict1c ;no
call print ;yes, show corresponding ASCII char
inc al ;Bump ASCII char
shr ah,1 ;get next bit to test
loop pick_ict1b ;till done all 8
call feed ;eject paper on printer
; Get and handle next keypress
call key
cmp al,'0' ;ICT number?
jb pick_ict3 ;no
cmp al,'7'
ja pick_ict3 ;no
call print ;yes, echo it
; Convert this ASCII char to bitmap bit, and add to our map
call bin_to_bit ;comes back in AL
or byte ptr pick_map,al ;add this new bit into pattern
jmp pick_ict2 ;go get next keypress
cmp al,'L' ;List ICT's?
jnz pick_ict4 ;no
call disp_active ;yes, show all active ICT's
jmp pick_ict1 ;give our menu again
cmp al,'R' ;Restart?
jnz pick_ict5 ;no
mov byte ptr pick_map,0 ;yes, clear map
jmp pick_ict1 ;give new menu
cmp al,'G' ;Go with choices?
jnz pick_ict6 ;no
mov al,byte ptr pick_map ;yes, get choices as bitmap
clc ;tell caller to use it
jmp short pick_ict9 ;exit
cmp al,0dh ;Carriage Return?
jz pick_ict5b ;yes, same as "Go"
cmp al,'A' ;Abort operation?
jnz pick_ict7 ;no
stc ;tell caller to abort
jmp short pick_ict9 ;exit
cmp al,1bh ;ESCAPE?
jz pick_ict6b ;yes, same as "Abort"
; ------ Unknown choice
jmp pick_ict2 ;go get next keypress
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pick_ict endp
pick_menu db 0dh,0ah
db "0-7 picks ICT (L)ist ICT's (A)bort (R)estart (G)o with choices"
db 0dh,0ah,":$"
pick_map db 0 ;bitmap of selected ICT's
; Handle "Traces" main menu option
do_traces proc near
push ax
push dx
mov dx,offset trace_menu ;put up our menu
call print_line
call feed ;extra CRLF's for printer
call key ;get his selection
cmp al,'A' ;dump All?
jnz do_traces2 ;no
mov al,0ffh ;yes, get bitmap for all ICT's
jmp short do_traces7 ;dump 'em
cmp al,'S' ;Selected ICT's?
jnz do_traces9 ;no, so exit
mov dx,offset trace_prompt ;point to question to be used
call pick_ict ;get ICT's as bitmap in AL
jc do_traces9 ;user wants to forget about it
; Do dump, with AL holding bitmap of ICT's that are to be included
call dump_buf ;with AL already set
pop dx
pop ax
do_traces endp
trace_menu db 0dh,0ah
db "Display (A)ll or (S)elected ICTs' traces:$"
trace_prompt db "Pick ICT's whose traces are to be included in dump$"
; Set or Clear F_ENABLE.
; On entry, AL holds bit value for F_ENABLE (i.e. - ON or OFF).
; This routine asks user for ICT's to be enabled or disabled.
do_enable proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax ;push him last so we can get to him
mov dx,offset enable_prompt ;Assume "Enable"
test al,F_ENABLE ;are we enabling?
jnz do_enable1 ;yes, we have right message
mov dx,offset disable_prompt ;Use "Disable" message
call pick_ict ;get ICT's to be affected
jc do_enable9 ;user wants to forget it
mov byte ptr enable_map,al ;save bitmap of ICT's to be done
xor si,si ;start with ICT #0
mov cx,number_icts ;number of ICT's to look at
test byte ptr enable_map,1 ;Should this ICT be done?
jz do_enable5 ;no
mov bx,ict_index[si] ;yes, point to ICT
cli ;*** NO INTERRUPTS!!! ***
pop ax ;get F_ENABLE value
push ax
and al,F_ENABLE ;isolate our bit
mov ah,[bx].ICT_flags ;get current flags value
and ah,F_ENABLE XOR 0ffh ;turn off our bit
or ah,al ;set it per caller's desire
mov [bx].ICT_flags,ah ;replace it in ICT
add si,2 ;up to next ICT
shr byte ptr enable_map,1 ;get next ICT's bitmap bit to Bit 0
loop do_enable2 ;till we've looked at all ICT's
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
do_enable endp
enable_prompt db "Pick ICT's to have tracing ENABLED$"
disable_prompt db "Pick ICT's to have tracing DISABLED$"
enable_map db 0 ;bitmap of ICT's to be altered
; Toggle F_FCB in some ICT's.
do_fcb proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax ;push him last so we can get to him
mov dx,offset fcb_toggle
call pick_ict ;get ICT's to be affected
jc do_fcb9 ;user wants to forget it
xor si,si ;start with ICT #0
mov cx,number_icts ;number of ICT's to look at
test al,1 ;Should this ICT be done?
jz do_fcb5 ;no
mov bx,ict_index[si] ;yes, point to ICT
xor [bx].ICT_flags,F_FCB ;toggle current setting
add si,2 ;up to next ICT
shr al,1 ;get next ICT's bitmap bit to Bit 0
loop do_fcb2 ;till we've looked at all ICT's
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
do_fcb endp
fcb_toggle db "Pick ICT's to have F_FCB toggled$"
subttl Reporting Routines
; Dump trace buffer for ICT's represented by bitmap in AL.
; If bit n in AL is set, then ICT n's trace records are to be included
; in dump.
dump_buf proc near
push di
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax ;push bitmap last so that we can get to it
xor di,di ;di is printed line counter
mov si,offset trace_table ;start at front of buf
cmp si,trace_curr ;done whole buffer?
jae dump_buf9 ;yes, exit
; Let a keypress interrupt us
mov ah,1 ;ROM BIOS "Check for keypress" func
int 016h ;keypress present?
jnz dump_buf9 ;yes, exit
mov al,[si].B_type ;get ICT #
call bin_to_bit ;convert to bitmap bit
pop bx ;peek at caller's requested bitmap
push bx
and bl,al ;is this ICT included in caller's bitmap?
jz dump_buf5 ;no, skip it
; See if it's time for title line
test di,07h ;every 8 lines
jnz dump_buf4 ;not time for title line
mov dx,offset dump_title ;print title line
call print_line
call dump_rec ;dump this record
inc di ;bump # lines printed
; Skip over this record, to next one. To do that, we need to know what
; type of record it is, so that we know how big a record
; we have to skip over.
mov bl,[si].B_type ;get trace record type
and bx,11110000b ;isolate type itself
shr bx,1 ;develop type times 2
shr bx,1
shr bx,1
add si,rec_sizes[bx] ;add record size to current pointer
jmp dump_buf2 ;continue till buffer exhausted
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
dump_buf endp
dump_title db 0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah
db "--- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------$"
; Given binary number (0-7) in AL, return bitmap in AL with corresponding
; bit (Bit 0 thru Bit 7) set.
; AH is zeroed.
bin_to_bit proc near
mov ah,al ;AH is counter, from 7 to 0
mov al,1 ;AL is bitmap, Bit 0 to Bit 7
and ah,7 ;constrain input
jz bin_to_bit9 ;binary was 0, so return with Bit 0 set
add al,al ;shift bitmap left 1 bit
dec ah ;dec count by one
jnz bin_to_bit3
bin_to_bit endp
; Dump trace record at [SI]. This routine prints the common
; header information, then calls specific routines to expand
; details.
dump_rec proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
call crlf
mov al,[si].B_int ;get Interrupt #
call print_hex ;show interrupt #
mov al,'H'
call print
mov al,' '
call print
mov al,[si].B_type ;get ICT #
and al,0fh ;less than 15
call print_hex ;show interrupt number
mov al,' '
call print ;print a space
mov bl,[si].B_type ;get trace type
and bx,11110000b ;isolate type of trace
shr bx,1 ;develop type times 2
shr bx,1
shr bx,1
mov bx,word ptr dump_table[bx]
call bx ;call proper specific routine
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
dump_rec endp
; Table of routines to handle various record types
dump_table label word
dw offset dump_before ;record type 0 = BEFORE
dw offset dump_after ;record type 1 = AFTER
dw offset dump_fcb ;record type 2 = FCB
dw offset dump_asciiz ;record type 3 = ASCIIZ
; Dump BEFORE record at [SI]
dump_before proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov al,'B' ;Display "B" for BEFORE
call print
mov al,' ' ;plus blank after
call print
mov ax,[si].B_ax
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_bx
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_cx
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_dx
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_es
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_ds
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_si
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_di
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_bp
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_ss
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].B_sp
call print_wordb
mov dx,[si].B_cs
mov ax,[si].B_ip
call print_seg
; Try to interpret this BEFORE record, to make reading easier
call interp
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
dump_before endp
; Dump AFTER record at [SI]
dump_after proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov al,'A' ;Display "A" for AFTER
call print
mov al,' ' ;plus blank after
call print
mov ax,[si].A_ax
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_bx
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_cx
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_dx
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_es
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_ds
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_si
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_di
call print_wordb
mov ax,[si].A_bp
call print_wordb
; Now expand flags byte for clarity
mov dx,[si].A_flags ;hold flags in DX
mov si,offset dump_flags ;SI = next flag's name
mov bx,0fd5h ;mask of valid bits in flags word
mov cx,12 ;# bits to walk through
cld ;forward!!!
test bx,1 ;is this a valid flag bit?
jz dump_after4 ;no, move to next one
lodsb ;yes, get next name
test dx,1 ;is bit set?
jnz dump_after3 ;yes, use name
mov al,' ' ;no, use blank
call print ;print flag name or space
shr dx,1 ;shift flags so next flag is in bit 0
shr bx,1 ;ditto for mask
loop dump_after2 ;till done all 12 bits
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
dump_after endp
dump_flags db "CPAZSTIDO"
; Dump FCB record at [SI]
dump_fcb proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov al,[si].FCB_drive ;display drive # as number
mov byte ptr fcb_drv,al
mov dx,offset fcb_line ;and put up rest of header
call print_edit
add si,3 ;skip to filename field
mov cx,8 ;max # chars to display
cld ;forward!!!
lodsb ;get byte of filename
cmp al,020h ;control char or blank?
jbe dump_fcb3b ;yes, we're done with name
call print ;no, display char as-is
loop dump_fcb2 ;till 8 done or early exit
jmp short dump_fcb4
dump_fcb3: ;skip over rest of filename
loop dump_fcb3
dump_fcb4: ;output extension too
mov al,'.' ;seperate it with period
call print
mov cx,3 ;# extension bytes to print
lodsb ;get byte of extension
cmp al,020h ;control char?
jb dump_fcb6 ;yes, skip it
call print ;no, use as-is
loop dump_fcb5
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
dump_fcb endp
fcb_line label byte
db "FCB Drive:"
db Edit_Dec8
fcb_drv db 0
db " Filename: "
db Edit_End
; Dump ASCIIZ record at [SI]
dump_asciiz proc near
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov dx,offset asciiz_line ;put up header
call print_line
add si,2 ;skip to start of ASCIIZ text
mov cx,size ASCIIZ ;max # chars to display
sub cx,2 ;(minus 2 for header)
cld ;forward!!!
lodsb ;get byte of extension
or al,al ;NUL terminator?
jz dump_asciiz9 ;yes, exit
cmp al,020h ;control char?
jb dump_asciiz6 ;yes, skip it
call print ;no, use as-is
loop dump_asciiz5
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
dump_asciiz endp
asciiz_line label byte
db "ASCIIZ: $"
; Display what we know about ICT # AL (0-7).
ict_dump proc near
push dx
push bx
push ax
and ax,number_icts*2-1 ;edit ICT #
mov bx,ax ;get ICT # times 2
shl bx,1 ;divide by 2
mov bx,ict_index[bx] ;[BX] --> ICT itself
mov byte ptr ict_msgno,al ;insert it into message
mov dx,offset ict_msg1 ;"ICT #n at ..."
call print_edit
mov dx,ds ;display seg:offset of ICT
mov ax,bx
call print_seg
mov dx,offset ict_ena ;show whether enabled or disabled
test [bx].ICT_flags,F_ENABLE
jnz ict_dump2 ;got right message
mov dx,offset ict_dis ;get other message
call print_line ;display "ENABLED" or "DISABLED"
mov dx,offset ict_msg2 ;"INT xxH "
call print_line
mov al,[bx].ICT_intnum ;display interrupt #
call print_hex
mov dx,offset ict_msg3 ;"AH range ll/hh"
call print_line
mov al,[bx].ICT_AH_lo ;display AH range lower limit
call print_hex
mov al,'/' ;add seperator
call print
mov al,[bx].ICT_AH_hi ;display AH range upper limit
call print_hex
mov al,'*' ;display '*' if FCB/ASCIIZ set
test [bx].ICT_flags,F_FCB
jnz ict_dump3 ;it's set
mov al,' ' ;not set, so use blank
call print
mov dx,offset ict_msg4 ;"Exit: RET/RET2/IRET"
call print_line
mov al,[bx].ICT_flags ;interpret exit type
mov dx,offset ict_exit ;get to first 6-char message
test al,F_RET
jz ict_dump5 ;not this one
call print_line
add dx,6 ;up to next 6-char exit name
test al,F_RET2
jz ict_dump6 ;not this one
call print_line
add dx,6 ;up to next 6-char exit name
test al,F_IRET
jz ict_dump7 ;not this one
call print_line
mov dx,offset ict_msg4a ;"Hits: "
call print_line
mov ax,[bx].ICT_hits
call print_dec
pop ax
pop bx
pop dx
ict_msg1 db 0dh,0ah,"ICT# ",edit_dec8
ict_msgno db ?," ",edit_end
ict_msg1a db " @ $"
ict_msg2 db " INT $"
ict_msg3 db "H AH:$"
ict_msg4 db " Exit:$"
ict_msg4a db "Hits: $"
ict_exit db "RET $" ;6-char exit type names
db "RET2 $"
db "IRET $"
ict_ena db " ENABLED $"
ict_dis db " DISABLED$"
ict_dump endp
; Display all active ICT's
disp_active proc near
push si
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov cx,number_icts ;Number of ICT's
xor si,si ;start with # 0
mov bx,ict_index[si] ;[BX] --> ICT
test [bx].ICT_flags,F_ACTIVE ;Is this ICT active?
jz disp_active5 ;no, skip it
mov ax,si ;yes, develop ICT # 0-7
shr ax,1 ;divide by 2
call ict_dump ;display it
add si,2 ;up to next ICT
loop disp_active2 ;till we've done all of them
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop si
disp_active endp
; call previous PrtSc routine
db "prtsc" ;eyecatcher
prt_sc proc near
push ax
push es
mov ax,050h ;set ES to 0050:0000
mov es,ax ;(the print-screen control byte)
mov byte ptr es:[0],0 ;mark us not busy now
call old_int_5
mov byte ptr es:[0],1 ;mark us busy now
pop es
pop ax
prt_sc endp
code ends